Im busy,You are Ugly,Go Away!!

Don't be so open-minded your brains fall out.

your cooking sucks...
i hope so do u

your face, my ass, no difference

Dip me in chocolate and throw infront of leshbians!

Of all the things i have lost ... i miss my mind the most

Work Fascinates me...I can look at it for hours

Sumtimes I Pee When I Laugh

I dont SUFFER from insanity.. I 'enjoy' every moment of it!!

I lower my standards to reach my goals

smile ,perhaps is the third best thing you can do with your lips.

I got my looks from my father.. He's a plastic surgeon!

"there are 206 bones in your body, want another one?"

virginity is not dignity
it is lack of

I'm a lesbian trapped in this man's body

I hate jokes but still I love You

Be positive, Act positive but don't test positive

please tell ur boobs to quit staring at my eyes!

nice person....wrong planet

ur lips keeping moving but all i hear is blah blah blah!!

Nobody knows that i m not wearing UNDERWEAR

come behind the pyramid & I will make u a mummy

All Study and no Play
Makes a Child Dumb and Gay.

"I took an IQ test and the results were negative."


Early to Bed
Early to Rise
Early to Shit

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